Saturday, February 27, 2016

The flash flood

The sky is angry,
The clouds are swollen with rain.
It buckets and buckets.
In no time, there is a flash flood.

When I was young and ignorant,
We loved the flood that came to our thighs.
Dad made a makeshift raft with a petrol barrel.
We cheered and swam at our free swimming pool.
The fun didn't last.

When the water recedes,
along came the dead dogs and cats
and chicken, succumbed and gave up their ghost.
Then came the cleaning,
the yukky mud was no fun at all.

Friday, February 26, 2016



 I wrote about flash floods in the book. This seemed incredible. This is what has happened in 2016.

Flash floods in Kuching By ADIB POVERA - 27 February 2016 @ 10:09 AM

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Flash floods in Kuching By ADIB POVERA - 27 February 2016 @ 10:09 AM KUCHING: Heavy rain since last night caused roads in the city, including the road near Padang Merdeka, to be submerged by flash floods this morning. Heavy rain since last night caused roads in Kuching, including the road near Padang Merdeka, to be submerged by flash floods this morning. Checks by the New Straits Times showed flash floods had also inundated other roads, including Jalan Tun Openg, Jalan Batu Lintang, Jalan Padungan, Jalan Tabuan Dayak and the roads near the Sarawak General Hospital. According to Kuching Zone Fire and Rescue Station chief Tiong Ling Hi Jalan Tabuan Dayak was among the worst affected by the downpour, with floodwaters about 1m. “Our men and assets are on standby now and ready to be deployed if the situation worsens,” he said.

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Flash floods in Kuching By ADIB POVERA - 27 February 2016 @ 10:09 AM KUCHING: Heavy rain since last night caused roads in the city, including the road near Padang Merdeka, to be submerged by flash floods this morning. Heavy rain since last night caused roads in Kuching, including the road near Padang Merdeka, to be submerged by flash floods this morning. Checks by the New Straits Times showed flash floods had also inundated other roads, including Jalan Tun Openg, Jalan Batu Lintang, Jalan Padungan, Jalan Tabuan Dayak and the roads near the Sarawak General Hospital. According to Kuching Zone Fire and Rescue Station chief Tiong Ling Hi Jalan Tabuan Dayak was among the worst affected by the downpour, with floodwaters about 1m. “Our men and assets are on standby now and ready to be deployed if the situation worsens,” he said.

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KAPIT: Last Thursday and Friday saw river transport at a standstill as wooden debris clogged Baleh and Rajang rivers which adversely affected navigation from Sibu to Putai, a distance of some 300km.
JOURNEY INTERRUPTED: Four days after the massive wood debris laid a siege on Baleh River and Rajang River, the water at the upper reaches of Baleh is still muddy. Many outboard engine owners claimed that their engines were spoilt due to the sand and silt.
This massive logjam along Malaysia’s longest river was a cause of grave concern and drew wide-spread discussion and speculation on the causes, especially in Facebook and other blogs on the Internet, thus getting the attention of foreign media and environmental groups.
A man from Sungai Melatai, a tributary of Baleh River, gave the following account of the cause.
“The cause of the ecological disaster and the extensive environmental damage has nothing to do with the rain or rising water level because on the day it happened the water level along Baleh River was low and normal. There was extensive landslide of between five and 10km on both banks of Sungai Melatai. This has nothing to do with farming activities. It is caused by human disregard for the environment through extensive logging activities.”
A child died when its mother could not send it for medical treatment in Kapit due to the logjam. Two men in a Land Cruiser died in the landslide.
“We are very angry but helpless, it is time we wake up to protect our environment,” a teacher who was a relative of the mother said.
A bank employee said political leaders should not blame the weather and appealed to the government to engage an independent body to investigate and get to the root cause because the people deserve to know the truth.
A retired army personnel and a fish breeder from Sungai Sut, who wanted to be known as ‘Robert’, lamented that many types of indigenous fish had died along Sungai Melatai to Sibu, depriving the people of their source of income and protein. According to Tuai Rumah Kilau who returned from Tunoh to Kapit on Friday morning, the massive riverbank erosion was caused by the eruption of dykes formed by sediments, wood and other debris caused by long periods of logging activities.
When contacted, the Superintendent of Land and Survey Kapit Affin Bawi said the massive landslide was the culprit. His view was confirmed by an officer from Sarawak Rivers Board.
An elderly casual worker identified as Jilan explained that the Ibans described the phenomenon as ‘baruas’ or massive landslide affecting a huge area, when nature gives way.
“All the fish would die and in my young days I used to follow my parents in the longboat to catch lots of fish that appeared on the surface”, he said.
The massive logjam prompted an onlooker to exclaim that one just could jump from one log to another to reach the other side of the river bank.
An elderly Chinese was heard murmuring to himself that this could be the first signal of ‘the end of the world’ because of massive destruction to nature caused by humans.
Among the many reasons, the phenomenon could be attributed to the heavy rainfall in the interiors of Kapit, particularly in Baleh, which had caused the river to burst its banks and grab debris and deadwood along the way.
But surprisingly a check at the Kapit waterfront revealed that the water level was low and the velocity of flow was very slow and normal.
On Friday, the situation returned to normal. The extent of damage it had caused to the shipping industry is yet to be ascertained.

Friday, February 19, 2016

COMMANDO BAY on Okanagan Lake designated an official provincial historical place under the B.C. Heritage Conservation Act

Recently the British Columbia government asked for nominations of historical places that demonstrated the contribution of Chinese Canadians to the development of the province. We are delighted to report that COMMANDO BAY on Okanagan Lake has now been designated an official provincial historical place under the B.C. Heritage Conservation Act. In WWII, Commando Bay was the location where a select team of Chinese Canadians were first secretly trained for Operation Oblivion. They were the initial group to be trained in guerrilla warfare techniques with the intent of being dropped behind Japanese lines.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Book Review by Helen Wong, NZChinese

Book Review by Helen Wong    New Zealand Chinese Association > Newsletter 2016 -  

World War II in Borneo, Tales of my Grandpa
It is the anniversary of 70 years after the end of
the WWII

This book is divided into 2 sections, Section A is the
facts of the WWII in a village in Borneo. It has the
records of a case study of a villager who were taken to
Burma, suffered but survived to claim from the
Japanese, and Captain Roger Cheng from Canada
who led a troop to liberate the villagers from the
Japanese Occupation

Section B is fictionalised recounts of the villagers
during these four years. It is fictionalized because the
survivors are dead now, but they left behind rich oral
stories. These are the stories of my ancestors.
The most important thing that came out of writing
this book is confirmed research from Canada
validated my Grandpa and my Dad's narration of
Captain Fong. Captain Fong is not a figment of their
imagination. Captain Fong aka Roger Cheng was the
Captain from Canada who parachuted down to Kapit
and led the Allies at the surrender of the Japanese. 1
Ann Chin is an author of several books, all drawing on
personal experiences. If you have an interest in the
Japanese War and the Borneo experience, this is a
must read For enquiries  ISBN: 978-0-473-339005

Thursday, February 4, 2016

old outhouse

my paternal grandfather's outhouse was similar to this. It is on stilts and a giant size vat. It gave me inspiration to write a chapter on it.

ann book cv


Ann Kit Suet Chin-Chan.

Ann Kit Suet Chin is a New Zealand Chinese writer. She was born in Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia. She attended Methodist Primary and Secondary School in Sibu. She graduated from Windsor University in Canada, Auckland University and Auckland University of Technology.

Ann is the fourth child of the late John Chan Hiu Fei and Mary Kong Wah Kiew. She is married to Chin Chen Onn, PhD. She has three surviving children, Deborah, Gabrielle and Sam. Her third child, Andrew died when he was a baby and is the inspiration of her first book.

作者 陈洁雪



Diary of a Bereaved Mother
ISBN 9780473187095 

This is a real life story of losing one's only son. This experience has made the author strong and caring. This tragedy has been a great help for her to help understand other bereaved people. The author is very brave to write this book. It has not been easy and she aims to touch,...

featured in the Aucklander.

I appeared in Television 1 Down Under program. It's ok to cry On baby bereavement.
I spoke in the Baptist Women's Annual Convention, North Island Chapter.  
My book was exhibited  at the Peacock 
Art Gallery, Upton Country, Dorset, Park England.

I  presented a workshop on Asian Infant Bereavement at the Sands National conference for Sands families and medical personnels for 200 attendees in September 2013

Used as a reference book for NICU staff at the University Hospital, Toronto. 

Dr Simon Rowley is a consultant at Starship Children's Hospital who's been given a copy of the book.
"It is a good reminder to all health professionals that when our patients leave us, the story does not end for the parents. The detail is amazing, and every little thought and action seems to have been recorded as it happened, and then has been reflected upon.
"For parents undergoing similar experiences this book could be a great comfort. For health professionals, I would see it as essential reading."



By Chin-Chan, Ann Kit Suet
ISBN 9780473239008  English
ISBN 9780473309626  Chinese


This is a hundred-year-old journal of two families, the Chans and the Kongs. It traces the first movement in 1907 from Kwang Zhou, China to the jungles of Borneo. It is a six-generational record with the second wave of movement to England, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Australia, USA ...

This book records with humor the life of a busy and active family through World War II, the formation of Malaysia and Confrontation. It is a personal reflection of a way of life that has moved on and provides insight into a family and its relationships. It is most of all a work of love and respect for the Chan and Kong families and for Father and Mother.

M M Ann Armstrong

Lodge International School
She explained the people in Sarawak, especially among the Chinese community, could relate to the book as it traces their roots and identities.
“From China to Borneo and Beyond kindled a lot of interests in the state. I am very happy to hear a publisher is going to print a Chinese version of it.”
From China To Borneo and Beyond was her second autobiography book, which is a hundred year old journal of two Families, the Chans and the Kongs. The book contains records of historical events and current affairs endured by her family from 1907 to 2006 such as the Opium war, virgin tropical jungle, the Japanese World War, colonial days, revelation and fighting with the communists. 



This book is about the embodiment of the darker side of today's society.
ISBN  978047325414-8

1 July 2013

a fiction novel – Mail Order Bride. The story, set in Auckland, New Zealand, touches on social issues such as teenage pregnancies, drugs, paedophile and the like. The book took two months to finish.

Her third book, Mail Order Bride is the first fiction piece from Ann. She said that the book targets an audience of young adults and that it appeals readers interested in social issues and ills that young adults have to face.



Women suffers from oppression. This story traces the life of Nadine who overcomes her own problems of oppression, grows up to be a social worker and helps women who have suffered from physical and mental violence, domestic violence, rape, pornography, swinging, sex slavery, human ...
1 July 2014
Interest Age
All ages

Judy Lawson, Counsellor
A book I would use in my work as a reference. 

World War II in Borneo, Tales of my Grandpa
ISBN:9780473339005 (Pbk)

It is seventy years after the end of the World War II, or the Japanese occupation in Borneo. Captain Cheng aka Captain Fong and his Canadian soldiers are remembered in their role of leading the surrender of the Japanese.

I've been reading your book World War Two in Borneo: Tales of my Grandpa.  I was a bit hesitant to start it, since it is combined fiction and fact and I didn't want to get the history mixed up in my mind.  However,  I'm finding it very compelling to read.  

Canadian documentary maker, Keith Lock.

Traces the lives of 2 girls. The poor girl is sold to the rich girl as a slave aka mui zai to serve her for ever. Different Chinese Tradition are explained, and tragedy brings them to the South Seas. The Japanese invasion, the slave protects her mistress and is sent to a brothel as a comfort women. 
